"Superman: The Movie" is a fantasy ... the green Sunstone Crystal the Man of Steel used to regain his powers. Jor-El's consciousness lives inside the crystal, and he may have purposefully withheld ...
movies and more. The Kents may have raised Clark Kent, Metropolis and Lois Lane may have helped create the Superman persona, but Kal-El was born on Krypton. His journey began thanks to Jor-El and ...
Years later, when a crystal of Kryptonian origin presents Superman with a hologram of his father, Jor-El tells Kal-El that the Last Son of Krypton would grow powerful enough to stop the onslaught ...
After a power source for the community of Krypton survivors is accidentally whisked to earth, Kara-El, cousin to Superman and niece to Jor-El, chooses to go to earth to find it, and bring it back.