Arrival, departure times of 8 trains at KGRA/Kangra. 8 trains pass through Kangra station. It is not a major station and only a few long distance trains stop here. A: Kangra railway station is a small ...
How many trains are there from Baijnath Paprola to Kangra? There are 4 direct Passenger trains that run between Baijnath Paprola and Kangra. The train schedules consist of 4 daily trains. What is the ...
Gaggal airport in Kangra is the nearest domestic airport, 13 km from the town. Chandigarh (255 km), Amritsar (208 km) and Jammu (200 km) are also good options to reach Kangra. Taxis are available ...
By TrainWhile there are no direct trains to Dharamshala, you can take a train from Delhi to Kangra, the nearest major railway station to Dharamshala. The distance from Kangra to Dharamshala is ...