In a statement, SEBI said that even though these officials were not holding their respective positions at the relevant point of time, the court allowed the application [to register the FIR and a ...
Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University, Assam is a State university in Assam. It is located in Housefed Complex, Dispur, Guwahati - 781006, India. Given below are the B.Sc. Chemistry colleges ...
Newly appointed SEBI Chief Tuhin Kanta Pandey on Friday in an interview to Lakshman Roy, Economic Policy Editor at CNBC Awaaz, said that the SEBI's role is that of maintaining the integrity of ...
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Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) Chairman Tuhin Kanta Pandey on Friday said the market regulator will come out with a plan to disclose any conflict of interest of its board members to the ...
SEBI chairman Tuhin Kanta Pandey on Friday praised India's economic resilience and emphasised on the need for long-term capital to drive economic growth during his address at the Moneycontrol's ...
The Union government on Thursday appointed Finance Secretary Tuhin Kanta Pandey as the next chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Board of India. The three-year tenure of Pandey will begin on ...