Toshiba Semiconductor Company decided to widely adopt OCP as the host interface for in-house IP cores. OCP, which is standardized by OCP-IP, is the specification standard host interface for these ...
Rabat — Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) has announced the signing of an agreement with OCP Group, including OCP Nutricrops, OCP Fertilizers as well as the Mohammed VI ...
This repository is deprecated. OCP created new org in github to have the Megarac community edition. Please refer README for more details ...
You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in our docs.
One of the guiding principles of the Office of Cannabis Policy (OCP) is to strive to be transparent and clearly communicate with the public and stakeholders. To support that principle, OCP's Open Data ...
Different types of birth control pills are available, including low-dose, extended-cycle, and conventional pills. It’s important to talk with a doctor to understand the benefits and risks and ...
1, 2023 — A new study has shown that women who are taking the oral contraceptive pill are less likely to report depression. The research, which analysed data from 6,239 women in the United ...
Breakthrough bleeding refers to any unscheduled bleeding during your menstrual cycle. It’s typically a small amount of spotting, though some experience heavier bleeding. Breakthrough bleeding is ...
To stop itching fast tap or pat your skin instead of scratching, apply a cold compress or rub an ice cube over the itch, use a fragrance-free colloidal oatmeal moisturizer, or take a cool or lukewarm ...
The best method of birth control will depend on individual needs and preferences. Methods vary widely in terms of reliability, ease of use, permanence, and other factors. Deciding on a birth ...