According to the Libya Observer, a team of scientists from the University of Benghazi and the Ibleo Center of ...
The provincial government of Bohol has partnered with the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC) to help ensure ...
pyKasso is a python package to simulate stochastic karst conduit networks. It can be used as a preprocessing to simulate groundwater flow and solute transport in karstic systems.
Deep below the Earth’s surface, rock and mineral formations lay hidden with a secret brilliance. Under a black light, the chemicals fossilized within shine in brilliant hues of pink, blue and green.
Thousands of acres of public land in southeast New Mexico were dropped from an oil and gas lease auction scheduled in June after the lands were found to be in sensitive geological areas near two ...
ASIA: The natural world continues to surprise us, and nowhere is this more evident than in the diverse ecosystems of ASEAN.
This serial property in western Madagascar comprises karstic landscapes and limestone uplands cut into impressive 'tsingy' peaks and a 'forest' of limestone needles, the spectacular canyon of the ...
Python package to build, run and visualize MODFLOW 6 groundwater models in the Netherlands.
It generally outlines areas of karstic carbonate rocks which are known to, or potentially, host cave systems or aquifers containing subterranean GDEs. What does the remote sensing layer show? The ...
Sneznik–Zdrocle constitutes Slovenia’s largest forest reserve, carved around 1,796m-high Mount Sneznik, the highest peak of the karstic northwestern Dinaric mountains. A variety of trails ...