Sphere Entertainment正积极筹备其标志性拉斯维加斯球体的缩小版,以更经济实惠的方式将这一独特体验带到更多城市。该公司执行主席兼首席执行长James Dolan最近在投资者电话会议上透露,正在开发可容纳约5,000人的“迷你球体”,相较于原始拉斯维加斯球体最多可容纳20,000人的规模大幅缩减。
Sphere Entertainment is designing smaller versions of its cutting-edge Las Vegas venue and targeting mid-sized markets for expansion.
Hans Zimmer shared the reason why he'll never hold a show at the Sphere in Las Vegas, and it relates to "something really ...
In an investment call with analysts, Sphere Entertainment Co chief executive James Dolan said they were working on the design ...
That would be Orbi, the newly named emoji that takes over the exosphere – the world’s largest LED screen – of the Sphere on a daily basis. The moniker bestowed upon Orbi is in conjunction ...
And no, I'm not tripping - just inside the Sphere’s hallucinatory bubblescape ... An orb-like figure appears across the 160,000-square-foot LED screen, text fading in: “What does everyone ...
据《AV Magazine》报道,在一次投资电话会议中,Sphere 娱乐公司的执行董事长兼首席执行官詹姆斯・多兰表示, 公司目前正在设计一种迷你 Sphere 场馆,其容纳人数约为 5000 人 。相比之下,拉斯维加斯 Sphere ...
Orbi first graced the Exosphere in mid-September 2023, shortly before Sphere was opened to the public with a smashing performance by Irish rock band U2. The Exosphere, where Orbi lives, is the largest ...