This study provides a potentially useful investigation into the positive role of BDNF/TrkB signaling in implanted dental pulp stem cells to enhance dentin regeneration in the context of dental caries.
SON-1010 is being studied as a combination therapy with trabectedin (Yondelis®), the first FDA-approved treatment for two types of advanced soft tissue sarcoma after failure of standard chemotherapy, ...
相反,细胞质聚腺苷酸结合蛋白 3(CPEB3)可通过靶向 IL - 6R/STAT3 信号通路破坏结直肠癌细胞与 TAMs 之间的相互作用,抑制 EMT。在肺腺癌中,TAMs 分泌的 IL - 6 激活 JAK2/STAT3 通路 ... 例如,胃癌来源的 LPS 结合蛋白通过促进肝内巨噬细胞分泌 TGF - β1,介导原发 ...