“妖哈争霸”一直是UD内战的中心话题,但120最近的状态并不理想。他与Happy的差距越拉越大,对阵Laby时也常遭遇败绩。曾经在内战中大放异彩的120,现在承受着巨大的压力,这让许多支持他的粉丝感到忧虑,他作为“第二UD”的地位似乎岌岌可危。 首局较量 ...
Picture this: You’re scrolling through TikTok, and suddenly, a plushie collector is freaking out over their latest Jellycat find — maybe it’s a long-retired bunny or an exclusive dragon that looks ...
With as many awesome games as Square Enix has in its long and storied catalogue, the group also goes hard to the paint on creating all sorts of plushies, toys, and other merchandise that allow ...