Bay leaf scientifically known as Laurus nobilis is a perennial shrub that belongs to the plant family Lauraceae. Bay leaves ...
A research team using EST-SSR molecular marker technology reveals vital information on the genetic diversity and structure of nine natural populations of Phoebe bournei, providing a scientific ...
PURSUING the somewhat erratic arrangement to which we alluded in our notice of the first volume of this work (see NATURE, vol. iv. p. 199), Prof. Baillon proceeds to an account of the small order ...
The avocado belongs to the genus Persea, a member of the laurel family, Lauraceae, to which belong such economic plants a camphor, sassafras, and cinnamon. The common native California bay tree is ...
2025年3月7日十四届全国人民代表大会三次会议开放团组活动时,云南省委王宁书记分享孟连牛油果“334”联农带农利益分配模式,早在2023年7月13日云南省委书记王宁到普洱市孟连县进行了调研。调研中,王宁书记对孟连傣族拉祜族佤族自治县娜允镇芒街村牛油 ...
Prof. John A. Katzenellenbogen’s career has spanned over 55 years and his work has led to 576 publications and 71 reviews and book chapters. His contributions to medicinal chemistry and bioorganic ...
Key Laboratory of Earth and Planetary Physics, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China ...
A dash of cinnamon can enhance the flavor of an apple pie, but there may be more to this familiar spice than meets the tastebuds. Though evidence is mixed, some studies suggest cinnamon may help to ...
Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by the slow-growing acid-fast bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Until 1980 it was considered as a controlled disease worldwide; however, this scenario was transformed ...