The discovery of the Scawfell Island sunskink marks the second unique species to be unearthed on Scawfell Island near Mackay.
A James Cook University biologist has discovered a new species of lizard on Scawfell Island, a remote island 50 km east of ...
(悉尼23日讯)澳洲悉尼一名女子日前在自家泳池中发现一个外型怪异的骇人物体,吓得她赶紧到上网求助。只见该物体呈现棕色叶子形状,表面长满尖刺,还有一个仿佛长有“牙齿”般的圆形“咀”,令不少网民大呼不可思议。综合报导,这名住在悉尼市北部的女子在Reddi ...
A James Cook University biologist has discovered a new species of lizard on Scawfell Island, a remote island 50km east of ...
A bizarre backyard pool find has left a homeowner stumped with Aussies also struggling to identify the bizarre object.
New Horizons is a fantastic Nintendo Switch game all around, but why did it stop getting updates so soon into its lifespan?
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Launched in 2020, the Formentor shared its structure and engines with plenty of other VW Group metal. The MQB chassis ...
British humorist and science reporter James Burke once joked that success in working at an academic institution “requires you ...