The comedian and host of The 1% Club, 56, lives close to Hampton Court in Surrey with his wife Tara and their three children – Arlo, aged 20, Louie, 16, and 13-year-old Millie – and previously said he ...
Lee replied: 'That's heartbreaking!' Alice admitted that she had applied for the show herself, but never thought she stood a chance and believed that the confirmation email was all part of a ruse.
Lee Mack faces stern competition from his comedy rival – John Bishop. While comic Mack fronts The 1% Club on ITV, fellow comedian John will now host an all new quiz show on ITV, Wisdom of the Crowd.
It took just minutes of The 1% Club's new series kicking off on Saturday night, for its host Lee Mack to be convinced he was a victim of a 'wind up' on the show. And it was all down to the name of ...
Lee Mack, the host of ITV's 'The 1% Club', was left speechless by a contestant's "heartbreaking" reason for appearing on the show. The popular game show made its return on Saturday, January 25 ...