As a Leica user myself, owning both film and digital cameras, I can personally attest to the fact that while Leica cameras are undeniably expensive, they’re also among the finest-engineered cameras ...
Leica's latest mobile launch is the Leitz Phone 3. The mobile was launched in 11th April 2024. The phone comes with a 6.60-inch touchscreen display with a resolution of 1260 pixels by 2730 pixels. It ...
Leica has announced an updated version of one of its iconic lenses, expanding the Leica Classic Line in the process. The Summilux-M 50mm F1.4 (I) was launched in 1959 as the first offering under the ...
徕卡自动体视显微镜Leica M205A,整机自动控制,可外接描绘仪,科研摄像机等装置。带编码自动识别放大倍数做测量及加标尺。多种照明附件和物镜可选组合。 10倍目镜加1倍物镜下的标准放大倍数7.8—160倍,调焦及变倍通过遥控器控制,机身带液晶屏上显示状态 ...
成贯仪器提供徕卡S9E显微镜报价,同时包括莱卡S9E体视显微镜图片、LEICA体视显微镜S9i参数、徕卡体视显微镜S9D使用说明书、徕卡SAPO体视显微镜规格、徕卡体视显微镜S9i价格、徕卡体视显微镜S9D维修、徕卡体视显微镜SAPO价格等信息,为您购买徕卡SAPO显微镜提供 ...