PANAGIS hauls himself out of the pool at a rehabilitation centre in Greece and scurries over for a delectable lunch: whole ...
to list them as critically endangered. Nikitas Vogiatzis, prepares to feed Panagis, a mediterranean monk seal, at the Attica Zoological Park, in eastern Athens, Greece, Tuesday, Feb. 18 ...
SEALs will surely have one of these. Plate carriers help SEALs carry a few of the next 17 things. Surprisingly, plate carriers don't always carry plates. Helmets like this will stop shrapnel, but ...
The Navy SEALs have their share of tragedies, too. In the invasion of Grenada in 1983, four US Navy SEALs died after parachuting in heavy winds and rain. SEALs were also involved in the Black Hawk ...
Marine mammals such as seals, by contrast, can spend most of their lives below the surface without running such risks. A paper published in Science on March 20th explains why: seals can apparently ...