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Residents of five towns in Maguindanao del Sur turned over to the Army's 33rd Infantry Battalion 17 more firearms on Thursday, March 20, in support of a regional disarmament program of the 6th ...
Read also: Polish Rosomak shines in Ukrainian defense against Russia The Rosomak-M1 visible in photos from ... This turret features an ATK Mk44 Bushmaster II automatic cannon with a 30 mm caliber ...
Vision showing one Bushmaster completely destroyed and another in working order has been used in a propaganda video where Russian soldiers even express “gratitude” to Australia. WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE: ...
据俄国防部新闻处网站最新数据显示,乌克兰军队在库尔斯克地区的损失惨重,令人咋舌。近400辆坦克、2800辆装甲车以及1000多门火炮被摧毁或俘获,这样的数字足以说明战场的惨烈程度。这些装备,原本是北约国家为了支持乌克兰而提供的,如今却成了俄军的战利品 ...
3月14日,俄外交部发言人玛丽亚·扎哈罗娃在社交媒体上发布了一条“感谢信”,称将向澳大利亚人民转达俄军士兵的谢意——感谢乌军在库尔斯克州溃逃时遗弃了澳大利亚制造的Bushmaster装甲运输车。这一消息不仅让澳大利亚国防部哭笑不得,也让全球网友直呼 ...
A van fire brought traffic to a standstill on the M1 in Leicestershire this afternoon (Wednesday, February 26). All lanes on the northbound carriageway had been closed between Junction 20 ...
Here’s the latest traffic and travel news from around Northern Ireland. The M1 eastbound is closed between junctions eight and nine, just beyond Moira, due to a traffic collision. PSNI are in ...
Australia’s contributions, including Bushmaster armoured vehicles, were singled out as an example of filling Ukraine’s defence gaps. On Tuesday, Defence Minister Richard Marles said 49 M1A1 Abrams ...