But for a small number of children, the infection triggers strange behavioral changes known as PANDAS syndrome. PANDAS stands for pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with ...
All these patients had some degree of clinical and laboratory evidence of malabsorption. It appears that the amount of d-xylose excreted in five hours in the urine may reflect the effective ...
Cushing syndrome occurs due to abnormally high levels of cortisol, which is commonly related to steroid use. Symptoms include weight gain, thinning skin, fluid retention, and stretch marks ...
(NEXSTAR) – We’ve all got busy lives, but that busyness can turn into a serious syndrome for young children, health experts warn. “Hurried child syndrome,” as it’s called, happens when a ...
Each type may affect your diet differently. Below are some common problems for people with neuroendocrine cancer: abnormal production of hormones surgery to the bowel or pancreas treatment side ...
However, very poor data are available to draw conclusion on the role of ACAT2 in CM assembly and secretion. Several advances have been made in our understanding of factors responsible for congenital ...