为探究 FTDP - 17 中 MAPT 突变对线粒体自噬的影响,梅奥诊所佛罗里达脑库的研究人员开展相关研究,发现 P301L 突变患者海马体线粒体自噬显著改变。该研究为理解 FTDP - 17 发病机制及治疗 tau 相关疾病提供新思路,值得科研人员一读。 在神经科学的神秘世界里 ...
Moo Deng ruled the internet in 2024, but a new baby pygmy hippo may be coming for the crown this new year. The Metro Richmond ...
The world’s smallest monkey is called the pygmy marmoset, and it is, predictably, very tiny, just a little scoop of fur. It likes to eat the sticky resin found in tree bark, known as gum ...