接着,对选取的贻贝进行个体标记并确定性别后放回原河流。之后,每隔 10 - 14 天(Bia?a 河在 2015 - 2016 年为每周)检查雌性贻贝的育儿袋(marsupia),估算幼虫填充育儿袋的比例,并确定幼虫发育阶段。最后,运用多种广义线性混合效应模型(GLMM)对数据进行 ...
The company has said it aims to create a woolly mammoth by 2027, and has also started working on resurrecting the thylacine (an extinct dog-like marsupia) and the dodo. Earlier this year, Colossal ...
The company has said it aims to create a woolly mammoth by 2027, and has also started working on resurrecting the thylacine (an extinct dog-like marsupia) and the dodo. Earlier this year, Colossal ...