The capitalist state protects the general interests of the ruling class, but as Trump and Musk slash it to the bone could present a problem.
The pro-monarchy forces in Nepal have been flexing their muscles for several months. Last Friday’s protests calling for the ...
Sostre laid a foundation for contemporary Black anarchism and prison abolition. A new biography finally tells his story.
Karl Marx (1818 - 1883) is considered the primary founder of two mass movements: democratic socialism and revolutionary communism. Marx studied law and ...
The recently-concluded fourth edition of the Moscow Fashion Week took place amidst sanctions, and it told a story of identity ...
Cultural Marxism is beginning to raise its ugly head and the church is not immune from it. Cultural Marxism has been around since the death of Karl Marx. Marx did not see the importance of culture ...
For a long-term security strategy, a smart conservative government must anticipate coming threats, some already on our ...
The author’s iconic ‘Buru Quartet’ about the independence struggle against the Dutch colonial rule was banned in Indonesia ...