Jeff Van Drew against potential cuts to Medicaid and other social programs. “We are the face of Medicaid right now,” said Burns, of Mays Landing. “I lost 90% of my employment and depend on ...
Donald Trump has said America's social safety net won't be touched amid massive federal budget cuts. NJ Republicans are ...
Republicans’ efforts to avoid heated protests are rallying the opposition in one battleground House district in Wisconsin.
The possibility of Medicaid cuts has become a headache for the most vulnerable Republicans in Congress — and has handed Democrats a potent issue ahead of 2026 elections.
“Talk about it. Celebrate it,” said Brittany van der Salm, who spent years working for consulting firms that helped states improve their Medicaid programs. “It’s something to be proud o ...
Rep. Tom Kean Jr.'s support for Medicaid cuts targeting "waste, fraud, and abuse" raises concerns about the impact on ...
(Van Drew ultimately voted in favor of the budget, along with all but one House Republican, saying he wanted to move the budget process forward, but would vote against Medicaid cuts).
Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-2) maintained that he would never vote to cut social net programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social ...
Jeff Van Drew, R-2nd, said this week that he and other Republicans will protect Medicaid from attempts to increase New Jersey’s share of the cost, as well as from broader cuts. “We don’t ...
A Baltimore County town hall was held Thursday night at Woodlawn High School to discuss the future of the Social Security<a ...
In Republican Rep. Derrick Van Orden’s Wisconsin district Tuesday night, Democratic Wisconsin Rep. Mark Pocan trolled his ...
The Democratic Party hasn't found a way to meet Trump's authoritarian moment, but if enough voters take to the streets in ...