Researchers from a joint Skoltech-University of Sharjah laboratory and AIRI Institute have automated the analysis of retina images used to diagnose diabetic retinopathy. This refers to retinal damage ...
Choroid plexuses, cerebral microvessels, cortex and cerebellum were isolated from adult cynomolgus monkeys, and analysed by RT-qPCR and immunohistochemistry. Results were compared with data available ...
These events are closely related to endothelial dysfunction in cerebral microvessels, deregulation of endothelial-pericyte-astroglial communications, changes in neuronal excitability and ...
Using these methods we image the microvessels in the brain, as well as the blood flow and oxygenation. A novel microscope suitable for imaging from awake, behaving animals is under development. Laser ...
The structure faithfully mimics the shape and cellular composition of human microvessels, allowing researchers to observe blood flow and interactions with the venom. The researchers used this chip ...
Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) examination of the prostate is the established technique used to obtain systematic core biopsies of prostatic tissue for histological examination. This is usually to ...
The mechanism of thrombocytopenia during acute pulmonary hypertension (PH) decompensation may be partly due to platelet aggregation in the lung. Platelet aggregates in explanted lung from 16 lung ...
The cells that make up the walls of the finest of all lymphatic vessels have a lobate, oak leaf-like shape that makes them particularly resilient to changes in fluid volume. A similar cell shape ...
为探究皮肤真皮层微动脉和微静脉特征,研究人员用血管内双灌注和免疫荧光染色技术,发现其结构和分布差异,明确 MCT1 可区分二者,为相关研究和手术提供依据。 在人体的皮肤中,藏着一个神秘的 “交通网络”—— 皮肤微循环,它就像身体的 “健康晴雨表 ...
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