Three, two, one — go! Or should we say, three, two, one — moo! That’s probably what a group of cows were thinking after they spotted a Golden Retriever walking down the road and challenged the pup to ...
Are you having children? Not having kids? Are you concerned about the U.S.'s declining birth rate – or do you even care?
Good Morning America visited the Nashville Zoo, but not to do a segment on the clouded leopards, Mexican spider monkeys or ...
Holding the reins, Grampa silently led the horses into a 2-acre fenced paddock. With the reins and blinders removed, the wild ...
Waking up after a bad dream is unpleasant, to say the least. Whether you're disoriented and confused or uncomfortable from ...
New Salem, a tiny central Illinois village where Lincoln spent half-a-dozen years in the 1830s, has fallen into disrepair.
Long before the Panama Canal, this historic trade route connected the Pacific and the Caribbean. Now you can follow the ...
Olympic shooter Manu Bhaker gives a tour of her beautifully designed Faridabad home, featuring Sabyasachi’s Pichwai-inspired ...
Franklin Township police were notified that contact was lost with a plane somewhere over the township after it took off from ...
"For me, home means comfort, home means belonging and home means my mom. If she hadn’t stood by me, I wouldn’t have made it ...
Cows are everywhere in India– whether you're driving through the streets, walking through a village, or roaming around a local market. They're not just animals; they're a symbol of tradition ...
Ting, a junior at Florida State, arrives at the Augusta National Women's Amateur having won five of six college starts this ...