Over nearly six decades, this fantastically inventive artist experimented with paint, turning it into a sculptural medium.
Contrary to popular Western beliefs about Buddhist meditation, it is not viewed as a secular practice. Thai Buddhists believe that meditation is a meritorious activity, helping them not only to ...
There’s a whole lot of false consciousness running around. How to battle against it?  It’s a matter of public health.  It’s ...
A Red Deer-crafted whisky has been named the world's best rye. GrainHenge Arrowwood Whisky, produced by Troubled Monk, was ...
Caspar David Friedrich is among those great painters the appreciation of whom has ironically suffered through the ...
A Nashville author and podcaster is spreading the word about the impact of excessive screen time after his nearly ...
The foremost representative of early German Romantic painting, Friedrich is thankfully receiving renewed attention at New ...
With 12 shiny new subclasses arriving in Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 8, how's a gamer to decide which one to try first? We're here ...
Homo Freq, however, operates on a different frequency, one that dissolves the boundaries between electronic music, voice, and ...
There are expectations of spring showers this weekend, but Denton still offers plenty of ways to get out and about.
The stakes are high in “Cards of Fate,” the latest show that will be put on by the Firebird Players. The show is adapted from ...
Kevin Nealson, Emmy and SAG-nominated actor and comedian will perform 8-9:30 p.m. Friday, April 18 at the Santa Clarita ...