Looking for the best "Never Have I Ever" questions? We dreamed up 250 to help break the ice with new people or get to know ...
While "Never Have I Ever" is traditionally played with alcohol, that doesn't have to be the case. You can always play with a ...
Monday, 19 February 1996. Picture the scene. It's the BRIT Awards and global superstar Michael Jackson is mid-way through a flamboyant and even more over-the-top version of his Earth Song single ...
February 26th Slime Ya HB, also known as National Backdoor Day, refers to memes and jokes in which TikTokers joke about getting backstabbed or "slimed" by their friends or "homeboys" on February 26th, ...
Ya Hui has also been working on the script for a short film. She told us mental health has been on her mind "for a long time", and she wants to touch on that in her debut film.
The objects around the ringed planet are tiny, but some of them may have formed relatively recently in the solar system’s history. By Jonathan O’Callaghan Jonathan O’Callaghan reported on an ...
Blue-lined octopuses immobilize their partners with venom to avoid being eaten after sex. Plus, astronomers have discovered 128 new moons orbiting Saturn.
There may also be thousands of similarly irregular moons in Saturn’s orbit waiting to be discovered. Aston says he may leave the discovery of those moons to other astronomers who could bring a fresh ...
中新社东京2月21日电 (记者 朱晨曦)据日本气象厅消息,当地时间21日22时01分(北京时间21时01分),日本福岛县近海发生5.0级地震。日本气象厅说该地震不会引发海啸。 据日本气象厅数据,本次地震震中位于北纬37.5度、东经141.5度,震源深度为50公里。 官方公布的 ...