The violations include not providing soap and paper towels at the hand sink and not having sanitizer test kits. The inspector recommended that the mop sink be moved farther from the three-bay sink ...
This robot vacuum and mop includes a mopboard, cloths, and a built-in water tank. It can clean continuously for two hours on ...
La Mejor Nutricion Juice Bar at 1012 Cox Cro Road in Toms River was cited for eight violations. The violations include not providing soap and paper towels at the hand sink and not having sanitizer ...
Each month, the Visalia Times-Delta lets you know which Tulare County restaurants aced inspections, as well as which ones ...
The following violations were reported during a routine inspection: bartender cut limes for customer drinks with bare hands; ...
Better than lacking hot water, the deficiency in a prep area handwash sink. The mop sink didn’t have an appropriately installed backflow protection device, which is sort of a prophylactic ...
Violations marked as priority contribute directly to the elimination, prevention or reduction in the hazards associated with foodborne illness. Priority violations include prevention of contamination, ...
Berks County is divided into three jurisdictions: Reading, Muhlenberg Township and the rest of the county. Reading and ...
Here are the violations reported in food safety inspection reports from Montgomery County conducted the week of March 9-15, ...