The Mexican Bishops Conference presented the logo and motto of Pope Francis trip to Mexico during a Mass on December 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in Saint Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican.
The  Government of Guyana says it will make “no apology” as it defended the decision to include the slogan "One Guyana" on ...
谢欣 // 2014年11月12日 18:11 必胜客“变”了!从 11 月 19 日开始,全美 6300 家必胜客餐厅将全面更新菜单,其中最大的改变要数全新 logo 和 slogan 的启用,必胜客方面也称之为“史上最大的变化”。新 logo 保留了品牌标志性的“小屋”图案,看起来更像是一个简约 ...
On International Women's Day, the German Football Federation (DFB) presented the logo and the slogan for its bid to host the ...
Entropy is a built-in feature of a corporation's life cycle. Companies like Google, Netflix, and Southwest keep getting worse ...
Stanley Hauerwas meditates on the necessity of the gospel, the politics of the kingdom, and the high demands of ...
The existing logo also has a number of technical limitations, such as its lack of distinctive colour use; its fragile nature which makes it unable to reduce in a legible way; and its lack of scope to ...
A sk any football fan, and they’ll probably tell you that their favourite logo in the sport is the one worn by the club they ...
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