Tonight’s new FBI will take things to new heights for OA, and Zeeko Zaki spoke to about what to expect in the ...
He and girlfriend Gemma (Comfort Clinton) were on a train headed to Niagara Falls on an unarmed vacation when he started ...
Being an avid fan of any TV show is tough these days. From extended production delays to lackluster series finales, devoting ...
Fans are certainly used to seeing OA in action after more than 100 episodes ... and getting to kind of honor the action movies that I've seen in these confined spaces, planes and trains and ...
Despite his best efforts, Zaki told Us, their weekend plans go off the rails (perhaps literally) when masked men hijack the ...
Brit Marling responds to The OA cancellation and fan hunger strike: 'We have to save each other' Why The OA Part II is set in a universe where Barack Obama was never president ...
Listen, if anyone needs a getaway on FBI, it’s OA ( Zeeko Zaki ), after what happened with his friend Clay earlier this ...
Zeeko Zaki revealed OA and Gemma’s relationship will be pushed to its limits on this week’s episode of FBI on what was ...
FBI returned to CBS from a brief break in the 2025 TV schedule with an episode that had OA flying solo a lot more than usual after the train carrying him and Gemma was hijacked. While Maggie and ...
The last 15 minutes of the episode allowed OA to go into full-on action movie mode. He convinced two of the scared hijackers to untie him and give him their guns, and he got all of the train's ...