We use different words to help describe these sounds. In music, pitch is the word we use to describe how high or low a sound is. The squeak of a mouse is a high pitched sound while the roar of a ...
Checking (2021); Tree Space: the trees they do grow high (2019); A History of Musical Pitch (2020). Koen Nutters: double bass (1, 2); Seamus Cater: skhismic duet concertina (1), duet concertina (2); ...
If music soothes the savage beast, music puns probably relax the savage beast even further. We think. We’ve never really ...
The effect of music on the mind is a subject for constant fascination. Neuroscience has “discovered” the effects of older ...
This activity will help children understand and visualise the pitch change by showing them with accompanying hand gestures. These clips are suitable for teaching music at EYFS and Key Stage 1 in ...
Some humans are blessed with perfect pitch, an ability that comes in handy when pursuing the musical arts. For many others though, a little help is often appreciated. A pitch pipe is a handy way ...