O blockbuster chinês de animação Ne Zha 2 fez sua aguardada estreia na Europa na sexta-feira, com o público do Reino Unido e ...
Alberto Nagel, ceo di Mediobanca, ha criticato l'Ops di Mps, evidenziando dissinergie e una probabile diluizione degli utili.
JAKARTA, March 15 (Xinhua) -- Chinese animated blockbuster "Ne Zha 2," the highest-grossing animated film of all time, premiered here on Saturday, with a packed theater of eager moviegoers.
A animação chinesa "Ne Zha 2" superou "Star Wars: O Despertar da Força" e garantiu seu lugar como o filme com quinta maior bilheteria de todos os tempos em todo o mundo.
HARBIN, March 13 (Xinhua) -- The market size of the ice and snow economy in Heilongjiang Province, northeast China, reached ...
"The success of this new animation movie, Ne Zha 2, shows first of all, the success of the Chinese movie industry, success in bringing up the content that comes from Chinese mythology as well as ...
While Chinese animated blockbuster Ne Zha 2 keeps busting global box-office records, the movie's character theme song Ne Zha is also attracting a legion of fans.
3月12日,在泰国曼谷暹罗百丽宫,人们打扮成《哪吒2》中的角色与电影展板合影。中国动画电影《哪吒之魔童闹海》12日晚在泰国曼谷举行首映活动,并于13日在泰国院线正式上映。不少泰国观众及电影业人士在观影后表示,这部动画电影故事情节生动、特效制作精良,堪 ...
3月17日,比亚迪举办了超级e平台技术发布暨汉L、唐L预售发布会,发布会上比亚迪正式推出全球首个量产的乘用车全域1000V高压架构,这一突破标志着电动车进入"1000V时代"。该架构将电池、电机、电源、空调等五大系统全部升级至1000V,配合自主研 ...
Pietro Genuardi è stato un volto noto della televisione italiana, amato per i suoi ruoli in diverse soap opera e fiction. La ...
为了突破这些困境,南京大学医学院等研究机构的研究人员展开了深入研究。他们聚焦于结直肠癌治疗,致力于开发新型溶瘤腺病毒,探索其增强抗肿瘤疗效的机制,为结直肠癌治疗开辟新道路。相关研究成果发表在《Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research》上。
Mercoledì, la Guardia costiera ha recuperato il cadavere di una donna di 28 anni, Manola Mascia, nelle acque di Cala Fighera, ...