SONY 是 NFC 技术的先驱者,但是在成为国际标准的过程中,先有来自飞利浦半导体(现在叫做 NXP Semiconductors,刚被美国高通收购)的RFID技术登陆为 ISO ...
Qualcomm is a giant in smartphone and tablet SoCs, modems, and WiFi. NXP is a giant in low-power analog, NFC, Bluetooth, low-end IoT SoCs and automotive. The two make a good combination.’ ...
Senior Director, NFC IoT Security, NXP Semiconductors N.V. Alasdair Ross is the Senior Director, NFC IoT Security of NXP Semiconductors N.V. Prior to his current role, he was the director of NXP ...