For those living with a disability, getting around for even the simplest of errands can be tough. Many are concerned that impending changes will mean they lose their state-subsidised taxi travel in ...
George has conducted commissioned work for the Australian Department of Social Services (NDIS service use), the Victorian Department of Families Fairness and Housing (inequalities in NDIS service ...
Certain demographics have a higher chance of being rejected from the NDIS, such as women and girls, people aged over 55, and those in disadvantaged areas. When the National Disability Insurance ...
There are calls for a royal commission into the NDIS which has been accused of “doctor shopping” and wasting taxpayer dollars on lawyers. See the list of firms and how much they’ve made.
Clinton Maynard’s exclusive on convicted terrorists using the NDIS has reached Canberra. Listen below to the hear senior bureaucrats get grilled.
It reflects well on efforts by former NDIS minister Bill Shorten to bring the scheme’s ballooning costs under control through a crackdown on fraud, cutting inappropriate services accessed by ...