Having diabetes has serious consequences for health and is associated with increased risk of developing diseases related to damage to the heart (heart attacks), blood vessels (strokes, foot ulcers), ...
The Arkansas Integrative Metabolic Research Center has received a $263,813 Women's Health Supplement award from the National Institutes of Health to explore how obesity-induced changes in tissue ...
Most cochlear nerves carry information from the cochlea to the brain, but about 5% send signals in the opposite direction: from the brain to the cochlea. The exact role of those fibers has been a ...
When giving gluteal injections, it is safest to use the upper outer quadrant. The choice of site for injection must be based on good clinical judgment, using the best evidence available and ...
When interleukin-12 is added to the cell culture, it leads to a significant reduction in nerve fibers (pink) and oligodendrocytes, and thus to a decline in myelin (white).