The Delhi Police, during a late-night patrol, arrested two individuals in South Delhi. The accused, Deepak alias Katya and Hemant alias Monty, have multiple criminal cases against them. Authorities ...
Without getting into too many spoilers, Mady’s crisis involves stolen cash and a vicious gang led by the French movie star Romain Duris. “Night Call” isn’t a message film, though the ...
To stay in the loop on more movies like this, you can sign up for weekly Family Movie Night emails. Profanity includes several uses of "f--k" and lots of "s--t"s (once with "head"), as well as "damn," ...
UNDATED (WJON News) -- The snow and icy road conditions made for a busy day and night for the Minnesota State Patrol. photo courtesy of the City of St. Cloud photo courtesy of the City of St.
It just means that you see things differently. And that’s what each one of these movies does. By exploring race and injustice, they show things differently than what you might be accustomed to.
Don’t miss out. And start with these 30 films now on the service, really just a taste of the hundreds of movies and original programs offered by Shudder, starting with this month’s critic’s ...
(WFRV) – Officials with the Wisconsin State Patrol say Trooper Sconnie has returned on this National Bobble Head Day to remind drivers about the importance of mile markers. Courtesy of the ...
The policies he failed to follow include using emergency lights for an emergency response and being responsible for safely operating a patrol vehicle ... hurt anyone that night and that he ...
Diaz is actually back after 11 years not making movies. Downton Abbey's Michelle Dockery plays an Air Marshall transporting a witness (Topher Grace) across remote Alaska, with a pilot (Mark Wahlberg, ...
A Suffolk County cop was airlifted to the hospital with serious injuries after his patrol car was involved in a nasty crash on the Long Island Expressway Sunday night, according to police.