Language experts point out that certain sentence constructs using 'because' or 'why' can veer off into questionable ...
A video exploring nouns, gender and plurality. Nouns and articles are the basic building blocks of French.
Generative AI systems like large language models and text-to-image generators can pass rigorous exams that are required of ...
GENTLE READER: While she is always up for a good grammatical fight, Miss Manners still considers this a pretty minor ...
We can use singular or plural verbs with many collective nouns, Pamela, and government is one of these. Singular and plural forms are often mixed as are the pronouns that refer back to the nouns in ...
Marilyn writes regularly for The Portugal News, and has lived in the Algarve for some years. A dog-lover, she has lived in ...
To develop and optimize AI use, our educational system needs to promote these basics. The Fast Company Impact Council is a ...