Indonesian authorities have shut down a macabre trade in wildlife skulls and parts online, seizing 94 items and detaining two ...
housands of orangutans in East Kutai regency, East Kalimantan, are fighting for survival as vast stretches of their lush rainforest habitat rapidly give way to mines, residential developments and ...
The Sumatran orangutan is a critically endangered species facing numerous challenges, primarily driven by the expansion of palm oil plantations. This article delves into the distinct characteristics ...
They couldn’t seem to peel their attention off her and the small, alien-looking creature that clung to her chest. Nestled in the crook of Sirih’s arm was an infant orangutan — a boy, a nameless clump ...
The Indianapolis Zoo welcomed a male baby orangutan to its Simon Skjodt International Orangutan Center. This makes it 12 official primates that live at the zoo. The baby was born at 2:30 p.m. on Feb.
The Indianapolis Zoo is swinging with excitement over its newest arrival: a baby orangutan born on Feb. 20 to resident mom Sirih. The male baby, whose name has yet to be announced, marks the second ...
"It would be beneficial to all if simple, appropriate action is taken." Researchers make disturbing discovery in market set ...
Agence France Presse-October 27, 2015, 9:01 pm 0 ...
KUALA LUMPUR: A RM1.2mil allocation has been set aside to finance a study of the orang utan population in Sabah for a period of two years. The fund was allocated by the Malaysian Palm Oil Green ...