Maariyaa haati warraa balaliisaa xiyyaara waraanaa Yukireen guyyootashee bilbila iyyu dhaggeeffachuun dabarsiti.
Pirezidantiin US Doonaald Tiraamp gitasaa kan Raashiyaa Vilaadmiir Putiin irraa kennaa suuraa harkaan kaafamee argateera.
The training involved the philosophy of the militants—freeing the Oromo people from political exclusion, economic exploitation, and socio-cultural marginalisation.Also Read: Rogue police ...
Independent news and stories connecting you to life in Australia and Oromo-speaking Australians. Ease into the English language and Australian culture. We make learning English convenient ...
In search of recognition, a cultural group that feels like it’s been undercounted in Minnesota is looking to calculate its exact population in the state. The Oromo Cultural Institute of Minnesota ...
Gada is a traditional system of governance of the Oromo people in Ethiopia developed from knowledge gained over generations. It regulates political, economic, social and religious activity serving as ...
[Photo: Reuters] The Oromo, Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group, have long complained of their exclusion from political power. Many welcomed the 2018 appointment of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed but now ...
Kenyan police are pursuing a crackdown against members of the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) accused of criminal activities in Marsabit and Isiolo counties. It is believed OLA has found a safe haven ...