The improvement of local inflammation could be an effective clinical indicator of treatment success. Superficial swab cultures may not accurately identify the actual causative organism of systemic ...
Liverpool midfielder - and football boot engineer, game show creator and musician - reveals why he is just getting started ...
BiomX announced a series of financings with total gross proceeds of approximately $12 million to support completion of Phase 2b ...
Greg Vigna, MD Flap reconstruction is crucial for advanced pressure injuries, yet many patients aren't referred for it, leading to poor out ...
Patients in need of hyperbaric oxygen therapy at Jamestown Regional Medical Center (JRMC) now have greater access to care, ...
There are many ways that children can hurt their toes. There are also many types of toe injuries. You can treat minor toe injuries at home. Here is some care advice that should help. Caution: be ...
Diabetes describes a group of metabolic diseases characterized by high blood sugar levels. Diabetes can be caused by the pancreas not producing insulin (type 1 diabetes) or by insulin resistance ...
A toe infection can cause pain, swelling, redness, and pus discharge. Types of toe infections include a range of bacterial or fungal infections, trauma, and ingrown toenails. These infections, while ...
然而,对于 THO 的研究一直存在许多空白和争议。一方面,目前缺乏大规模的临床研究,对其发病机制、感染传播途径以及预后的了解还不够深入;另一方面,现有的研究大多强调 THO 长期后遗症的严重性,让很多家长和医生对这种疾病充满担忧,却又缺乏有效的应对策略。而且,在治疗方面,也没有专门针对 THO 的特定治疗方案或指南,医生们只能参考传统文献中的方法进行治疗。