Germany: Dental implants are a widely used solution for tooth replacement, offering long-term stability and functionality.
Follow-up angiography (mean 35.1 months, range 1.7–80.7 months) was available in 24 patients, 21 of whom had stents spanning the VOL ostium. The VOL remained patent without occlusion or drainage ...
A sinus infection is inflammation of the sinuses, which are the air spaces around your nose, eyes, cheeks, and forehead. It is also called sinusitis. When the sinuses are inflamed, drainage is blocked ...
The coronary sinus and His bundle electrodes provide important anatomical markers to locate the coronary sinus ostium and the right side of the membranous septum. It is customary to place a pigtail ...
Archaeologists working at Ostia Antica, an ancient Roman port city, have discovered the oldest Jewish ritual bath outside of the Middle East, along with an oil lamp decorated with a menorah dated ...
unless gross purulent discharge is visible through the sinus ostium and is available for culture. Therefore, the initial approach to management is often clinical, based on history and physical ...
The Cardioplegia Coronary Ostium Cannulae from Sorin is used for the direct cannulation of the coronary ostium to deliver cardioplegic solution.
Other kinds of headaches that keep coming back, such as migraines or tension headaches, are often mistaken for sinus headaches. Because the treatment you need depends on the type of headache you ...