Meta分析发现,PCI术后新发房颤的患者住院期间中风风险显著增加(OR=3.33)。在PCI 术后新发房颤的患者中,住院期间使用抗凝药与全因死亡风险降低相关,但对大出血风险无明显影响。
一项来自韩国的大规模前瞻性人群研究提示,对于PCI术后的糖尿病患者,维持有氧运动可显著降低主要不良心血管事件发生风险,中等水平运动(1000~1499 MET-min/周)可带来最大的获益,而运动量≥1500 MET-min/周时获益逐渐减少。
The SYNTAX score is an important anatomic scoring system, based on the coronary angiogram, which quantifies lesion complexity and predicts clinical outcomes after PCI or CABG in patients with ...
Coronary artery bypass graft surgery and percutaneous coronary intervention are the treatment options in patients with ischemia and multivessel coronary artery disease (CAD). Comparisons of ...
Medical management, percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and CABG surgery are all viable therapeutic strategies for coronary disease. The choice between these methods is made largely on the ...
Among patients with diabetes receiving PCI, novel antidiabetic agents may reduce risk for acute kidney injury.
Facilitated percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) refers to using fibrinolytic therapy to stabilize the patient while transport is being arranged to a primary PCI facility. This strategy ...
A subgroup analysis of the FAME 3 randomized clinical trial has revealed that the relative benefit of Coronary Artery Bypass ...
Among successful revascularizations, there was a hint of better outcomes compared with OMT, but the data need confirmation.
A procedure used to widen the coronary artery/ies that are blocked or narrowed. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is a surgical procedure used to treat narrowing of the coronary arteries of ...