Research underscores importance of both genetic and functional testing in diagnosing mitochondrial disorders, particularly ...
PCR tests are a type of nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) that takes a small sample of genetic material and copies it multiple times. This process is called amplification. Amplifying the genetic ...
PCR-machines are used for replication of DNA, detecting DNA sequences, carrying out DNA fingerprinting, forensic analysis, and molecular cloning, diagnosing genetic diseases, and detecting ...
NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement said a new genetics analysis device helped detect 27 tons of trafficked seafood ...
Ultra-rapid digital droplet PCR can measure the levels of tumor cells in a tissue sample during surgery in about 15 minutes.
Bio-Rad’s assays use real-time polymerase chain reaction technology to amplify and detect specific DNA sequences of target ...
为监测油菜黑斑病菌(Leptosphaeria maculans)毒性分离株,研究人员开发 MPSeqM 工具,可用于监测病菌种群及抗性突破。 《油菜黑斑病菌无毒基因多态性研究的新突破》 在农业生产的大舞台上,油菜作为重要的经济作物,却常常遭受病虫害的威胁。其中,油菜黑斑病菌(Leptosphaeria maculans)引发的茎溃疡病,如同一场可怕的 “瘟疫”,严重影响着油菜的产量和质量。 目前 ...
ThermaStop™、ThermaGo™和ThermaStop™-RT试剂是可在不同温度下作用的简单易用型PCR添加剂(图1)。与热启动PCR不同,ThermaStop™和ThermaGo™添加剂可减少以DNA或RNA起始的扩增前、中、后的误差,从而提高PCR的特异性和灵敏度。这些PCR添加剂能使多重诊断反应变得更加 ...
为解决 DNA 提取产量不佳问题,研究人员开展从旧拭子获取足量 DNA 的研究,证明可行且有意义。 在法医调查中,使用拭子采集生物样本是目前的常规做法。样本采集后,会在犯罪实验室提取 DNA 并进行检测。然而,DNA 提取的产量往往不尽如人意,因此寻找从案件样本中获取更多 DNA 的新方法至关重要。本研究旨在探究从先前提取过的拭子中获得足够 DNA 产量的成功率。研究人员使用不同类型的拭子收集参考 ...
Public health labs have handled most testing thus far for the Texas and New Mexico outbreaks, but commercial labs are beginning to bring molecular measles assays online.