The Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) is a specialised Geographic Information System (GIS). It registers the spatial relationships between important hydrological features such as ...
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在电动汽车(EV)领域, OBC设计 的一个关键目标是提升功率密度,因为更轻的产品会给汽车减重从而有利于增加续航里程。从增加续航的角度来说:效率是实现这一目标的一个方面,这点SiC相对于Si来说,当然更有优势;另一方面,器件封装和散热设计也助力实现这一目标,尤其是在提高功率密度方面的作用越来越大。
Some high schools that once took a “college for all” approach are now guiding teenagers toward more choices. Do you think that is a good idea? By Shannon Doyne Look closely at this image ...
Free-Rain Theatre Company presents the Tony Award-winning musical Sweet Charity at The Q in Queanbeyan with a great local ...
2. Popularly known as the "Apple of China" for both its insipration and innovation. Xiaomi enjoys a massive following around the globe. Making its appearence in India in 2014, it soon topped the ...
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