Lucknow: Not just internal conflicts, such as succession disputes and power struggles, but climate change was also one of the factors behind the rise .
These geochronological data can be applied to a variety of problems in igneous and metamorphic petrology, structural geology and tectonics, detrital provenance, paleobiological evolution, and ...
UC Davis — the “greenest campus in the United States” — does not currently have a general education requirement focused on ...
A young doctor was sent to a remote Arctic base during the Cold War, believing it was for scientific research. Decades later, ...
There is low confidence in the long-term trends in the IOD, particularly prior to the 1960s, although paleoclimate data indicate that the recent frequency of strong positive IOD events is high in the ...
Because CO 2 persists in the atmosphere for hundreds of years, further warming and sea level rise are locked in. This well-established theory, together with observations of the air, water, land and ...
At some point, melting ice in the North Atlantic—caused by increased global warming—will cause so much freshwater to be ...
Three academics at the School of Earth and Environment have been awarded by the Geological Society for their contributions to geoscience.
The Citizen of the Ocean Youth-led Summit is being held March 25-28 2025. It aligns youth advocacy with global agreements like the Paris Agreement, the UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 (Life Below ...
SedaDNA can facilitate reconstruction of past species distributions. Here, the authors generate metagenomes from 156 stratigraphically-sampled sediments and use them to reconstruct the history of ...