We hear, for instance, of the Per sian war; of Herat, Candahar, Bushire, and DOST MOHAMMED--and we get a vague im pression of places heard of in school-days as somewhere in Afghanistan or Persia ...
The Ionian League, was a confederation of twelve Ionian Greek city-states located along the coast of Asia Minor.
A historical anecdote explains why the Macedonians and Spartans never went to war when king Philip conquered all of Greece.
(AP Photo/Baderkhan Ahmad) Shiite Muslim women pray on the other side of a curtain at the shrine of Peer Syed Mehndi on Nowruz, Persian New Year, in Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Friday, March ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. An Iranian man holds up a firework celebrating Chaharshanbe Souri, or Wednesday Feast, an ancient Festival ...
Martin served in the Army during the Persian Gulf War and received the Army Commendation Medal with the “V” device. A sergeant at the time, he led his team in the taking of a large Iraqi ...
America’s decades-old commitment to protect Persian Gulf oil offers some perspective as Ukraine and the U.S. close in on a ...
A clever way for the thawing relations between Israel and the Sunni Gulf states to seep out into the open.
We haven't seen the worst yet, but before we get there, we're looking at the causes and consequences of potential wars.
As winter fades in the Northern Hemisphere and the days grow longer, millions of people prepare to welcome Nowruz, the Persian New Year, which marks the arrival of spring and symbolises fresh ...