Briefly, the Four-μm-thick sections of paraffin-embedded kidney tissue was stained with hematoxylin, and then with ponceau red liquid dye acid complex, which was followed by incubation with ...
differentiated with 1% hydrochloric acid alcohol for 3–5 s, washed with running water, warmed to blue for 1 min, rinsed with running water for 3 min with ponceau fuchsin, rinsed with distilled water, ...
Uric acid is a waste product found in urine. If your body makes too much or doesn't eliminate enough of it, uric acid levels can become too high—a condition known as hyperuricemia. High uric acid ...
Several things can trigger acid reflux or a GERD episode, including some eating habits (like having dinner very late at night) or eating certain foods (like spicy, acidic, or fatty foods).
Knowing foods that cause acid reflux can help you prevent and manage this condition. Common triggers include carbonated drinks, spicy foods, chocolate, and tomatoes. Acid reflux, also known as ...
Malic acid benefits can include acne treatment, and skin care such as exfoliation and hydration. It is an alpha hydroxy acid, found naturally in fruits and wines and used as an ingredient in ...
Institute for Materials Discovery, University College London, London WC1E 7JE, U.K. Department of Chemistry, University College London, London WC1E 7JE, U.K ...
Department of Medical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University, Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 8, 61−614 Poznań, Poland ...
Although natural sources of compounds that contain the oxazolidin-2-one nucleus are very rare, 5 Kakeya et al. 6 were able to isolate a novel compound belonging to this class, ...