So often, your piggy bank sits on your shelf collecting dust, being filled with spare change occasionally. However, ...
A lifelong Gaullist and a loyal follower of his mentor Jacques Chirac, Debré served as a much-appreciated president of the Assemblée Nationale before ending his long political career as president of ...
自由女神像出自法国雕塑家弗雷德里克·奥古斯特·巴托尔迪之手,最初提议则来自法国政治思想家和历史学家爱德华·勒内·德拉布莱。为什么要送这样一座雕像给美国?主要原因是法国曾经深度参与美国独立战争,与英属北美殖民地一起对抗英国,最终迫使英国在1783年9月承认美利坚合众国独立。为了这份法美友谊,法国决定在美国独立100周年之际送上一座雕像,取名Liberty Enlightening the World ...
‘Styled’ suggests that her subjects hovered on the edge of the revolution, adding a cockade here and straightening a Phrygian cap there. Her argument is the reverse. She shows that they drove events ...
Carnevale di Ivrea, in a charming Italian village in the Alps, is a beloved, booze-fueled ode to a medieval heroine—even if some revelers walk away with bloody noses.
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