在植物应对外界威胁的机制中,有一种名为系统获得性抗性(SAR)的重要防线。哌可酸(Pipecolic acid,Pip)作为 L - 赖氨酸代谢的产物,在植物抵御生物胁迫时参与 SAR 反应,就像植物体内的 “通信兵”,传递着抵抗病原体的信号。但在面对非生物胁迫,尤其是盐 ...
Plants use an amino acid called lysine for many things, including as a part of their detection and response to pests. Kachroo’s lab was trying to understand what pipecolic acid does and how it ...
Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is a globally significant forage crop. Because of its high nutritional value, digestibility, and well ensiling characteristics, it is now widely distributed ...
Creative Commons (CC): This is a Creative Commons license. Attribution (BY): Credit must be given to the creator. The combined use of insect repellent (IR) and antimicrobial (AM) agents on textiles ...
Penicillium brasilianum LaBioMMi 136, isolated as endophyte from the root bark of Melia azedarach, has been demonstrated to be an important producer of bioactive secondary metabolites, mainly ...