Successfully harnessing the power of fusion energy could lead to cleaner and safer energy for all—and contribute ...
New results published in Nuclear Fusion confirm General Fusion successfully created magnetized plasmas that achieved energy confinement times exceeding 10 milliseconds.
The technology will revolutionize the energy industry with unprecedented efficiency and sustainability. Contrary to certain reports, the technology is not laser but based on advanced plasma technology ...
A Knoxville-based fusion powerhouse says it's solved the fundamental science of harnessing the sun's power to produce electricity.
Fusion reactions are the same source that power stars -- where hydrogen atoms smash and fuse together into helium creating a massive blast of energy.
New results from the ALICE collaboration highlight the quark-mass and colour-charge dependence of energy loss in the ...
Successfully harnessing the power of fusion energy could lead to cleaner and safer energy for all – and contribute ...
Fusion energy, the process of fusing light atomic nuclei to generate energy, has long been considered the key to a clean and ...
Negative triangularity is changing fusion energy! The SMART tokamak's new plasma shape could lead to compact, efficient ...
As Knoxville-based Type One Energy makes plans to build a prototype fusion power plant at the Bull Run Fossil Plant, seven ...