When US President Donald Trump ordered federal agencies to return to plastic straws, claiming the paper version is ...
“Plastic is not part of our diet for a reason,” Leffel said. “No straws [would] be a better solution, because reducing waste is what we want to do.” On average, it takes 200 years for a plastic straw ...
The move towards paper straws was a refreshing direction in environmental preservation, in that it was initiated locally and ...
In 2015, the video of a plastic straw being painfully removed from a turtle's bleeding nostril went viral, spurring a ...
Other ways to avoid plastic: Along with the move toward compostable paper cups, Starbucks, which is navigating a flurry of ...
Orkla Suomi is piloting a high-barrier paper wrapper from UPM Specialty Papers for its Panda Milk Chocolate brand, intending ...
Ranpak has integrated PaperWrap's pallet wrapping machines, which replace plastic stretch film with a kraft paper alternative ...
New Mexicans use at least 330 million plastic bags every year, according to the state Environment Department and New Mexico Recycling Coalition, but they don’t always throw them away properly. Plastic ...