Testosterone use in older men with cirrhosis was linked with reduced mortality. (Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology) In ...
Preoperative vaginal dysbiosis has been identified as an independent risk factor for the recurrence of endometrial polyps ...
Increase awareness about colorectal cancer to promote early diagnosis and treatment, reducing mortality rates worldwide.
Gastritis and acid reflux are two common conditions that affect the stomach and esophagus. Gastritis is inflammation of the ...
The American College of Gastroenterology warns millions may lose access to life-saving colorectal cancer screenings.
If you have endometrial polyps and are having trouble getting pregnant, your provider may recommend a hysteroscopic polypectomy, a minimally invasive procedure to remove your endometrial polyps.
If the cancer is only present in a polyp, people may just require a polypectomy to remove the cancerous polyp. Surgery to remove part or all of the colon is a colectomy. During this procedure ...
Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents pose a great risk in patients undergoing surgery. Because these products inhibit at least one, and often multiple, factors in the clotting cascade, patients ...
体检报告上,最让人摸不着头脑的几个词之一,可能就是“息肉”。 胃息肉、肠息肉、胆囊息肉……光是看到名字,就让人心里犯嘀咕:“这玩意儿严重吗?”“需要切掉吗?”“会不会变成癌?” ...