Posterior tibial tendonitis refers to inflammation of the posterior tibial tendon, which is located in the inner side of the ankle. This can lead to foot and ankle pain, as well as other issues.
Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) occurs when the vitreous—a gel-like fluid in the eye—detaches from the retina. This results in eye floaters and flashes of light that can be annoying but is usually ...
Three groups were formed for anatomical case definition: (1) back, low back, ‘posterior aspect of the body from the lower margin of the twelfth ribs to the lower glutaeal folds’, and ...
Neurosurgical practitioners undergo extensive and prolonged training to acquire diverse technical proficiencies, while neurosurgical procedures necessitate a substantial amount of pre-, post-, and ...
IMPT using a multifield optimization (MFO) technique was utilized to facilitate dose escalation to the DILs. A proton beam arrangement consisting of two lateral beams and one posterior beam was ...
Multiple myeloma is part of the spectrum of diseases ranging from MGUS to plasma cell leukemia, and similar to MGUS, is characterized by proliferation of a plasma cell clone and subsequent ...
Objective The abdominal drawing-in manoeuvre (ADIM) is a common clinical tool for manually assessing whether a preferential activation of the deep abdominal muscles in patients with low back pain (LBP ...
Bone marrow aspirate concentrate from the left iliac crest was also injected at the site of intervention. The surgery was uneventful, and the patient tolerated the procedure well. Postoperative care ...
In the United States: Rx only. Indications for Use—The Shockwave Medical Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL) System is intended for lithotripsy-enhanced balloon dilatation of lesions, including calcified ...