In addition to causing several types of cancer, human papillomavirus (HPV) appears to bring a significantly increased risk of heart disease and coronary artery disease, according to a study being ...
韩联社首尔3月24日电 韩国宪法裁判所(宪法法院)24日驳回国务总理韩悳洙弹劾案。韩悳洙据此立即恢复代总统职务。 宪法法院当天上午对韩悳洙弹劾案进行宣判,作出驳回裁定。8名宪法法院法官中,有5人提出驳回意见,1人提出成立意见,还有2人提出不予 ...
韩联社全州3月25日电 据韩国检方25日消息,韩国前总统文在寅之女文多惠上月底因涉嫌受贿被立案调查。检方将重点调查文在寅和文多惠是否共同受贿。 全州地方检察厅方面当天表示,某社会团体去年针对文多惠向首尔钟路警察署提交检举书,该案上月底被移交 ...
SEOUL, March 25 (Yonhap) -- Samsung Electronics Co. Vice Chairman Han Jong-hee has died of a heart attack, industry sources said Tuesday. He was 63. Han suffered a heart attack Saturday and died while ...
SEOUL, March 26 (Yonhap) -- An appeals court on Wednesday acquitted opposition leader Lee Jae-myung of lying as a presidential candidate during the 2022 election, overturning a lower court's sentence ...
Trump’s Not-So-Subtle Purpose in Fighting Big Law Firms President Trump has attacked law firms for “frivolous” litigation. But his actions could undermine the basic right of Americans to sue ...